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Art Class: Papermaking with Carolyn Harper

Art Class: Papermaking with Carolyn Harper

Monday, July 15

10:00am- 12:00pm

Tennis Tea

Carolyn Harper

Paper leads a double life. It’s the every-day medium for annual reports and memos, newspapers
and paperbacks. But there’s also another side to paper—the kind made by hand that pays homage
to ancient traditions, to plants, to beauty. It is this life that flourishes in Carolyn Harper’s Paper
Making Workshop. In this all levels workshop, you will learn about the transformative material
that is paper as well as the process of making paper, from start to finish. You will create pulp
using papers as well as plants, flowers and fibers; you will add color to pulp; and use stencils and
presses. Bring your favorite wildflower or fresh leaves and grasses and prepare to get wet and
wild – dress accordingly!

Limited to 12 Students

Registration Begins June 25th

Art Classes are complimentary for BHAA Members.